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Shipping & Purchasing


International shipments are subject to numerous export and import regulations. Many items require prior authorization (e.g., license) and specific documentation. 

University personnel who engage in international shipping are responsible for ensuring compliance with U.S. export control laws and regulations. Not following the regulations may result in lost items or, more seriously, criminal or civil penalties. 

Who can assist you with international shipping? 

See Procurement & Payment Services for general guidance about shipping.  Please contact Export Controls for international shipping (exporting) and importing questions. 

Who can assist you with shipping biologicals, chemicals, and radiological materials? 

Hazardous material (e.g., biologicals, chemicals, and radiological materials) shipping is regulated by the Department of Transportation. Research Safety provides assistance and training to help University faculty, staff, and students comply with these regulations. Please visit the Research Safety website for guidance.


There may be export control considerations when purchasing and using certain items (i.e., equipment, materials, etc.). Non-U.S. persons are allowed, under federal law, to use or operate most EAR-controlled items. However, there may be restrictions related to the technology, manufacturing, and production or the "know-how" of the item. ITAR equipment is restricted to U.S. persons and needs a license or exemption for a foreign person to use it.

How will I know if an item needs a license or is highly controlled?

Procurement flags indicating authorization may be required are:

  • End-use or export control statements or agreements from the seller or manufacturer.
  • Purchase order with strong export control language.
  • ITAR-controlled markings.
  • Vendor notes shipping or foreign person restrictions.